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Don Benjamin
Don Benjamin
Trillium Pictures
Carl Bennett, Denise Frye, Eric Scealf, David Klaes, Ron Wilson, Cathy Eaker, Jason Lawhorn, Sabrina Sexton, Ann Weinburger
Anti-Horror is a motion picture that takes the viewer behind the scenes for the making of a horror movie where the screams off the set are far more real than the screams on the screen. The picture chronicles the third attempt at filmmaking for director Gregory Kane and he is determined to do anything to complete the project. Gregory and his small troupe of actors take a perilous journey to a secluded location known as Ravens Hollow, which is haunted with legends of cannibalism and historically gruesome murders. The production slips out of control when the participants are lured away from the gruesome script and find themselves in the middle of a massacre of their own