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Juan Antonio Bayona
Sergio G. Sánchez
Picturehouse Entertainment (US)
Belén Rueda, Fernando Cayo, Geraldine Chaplin, Montserrat Carulla, Mabel Rivera, Andrés Gertrúdix
The movie echoes Henry James' "The Turn of the Screw" and other literary and cinematic works (including "The Others") that investigate the power the dead have over the living, especially over children in the most imaginative and vulnerable stages. It concerns Laura (Belen Rueda), who as a child spent time in the Good Shepherd Orphanage before being adopted. For her the orphanage was not a horror house but the dearest refuge, where she had a half-dozen close friends her age, and which she recalls so fondly that after her marriage to a nice doctor, Carlos (Fernando Cayo), she persuades him that they should buy the place and make it their home. Also known as "El Orfanato."