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Horror, Comedy |
30th April 2007 (DVD) |
27th Mar 2007 (DVD) |
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Jonathan Yudis
Mike Davis
Arrow Films (UK DVD), TLA Releasing (US DVD)
Mary Carey, Sean Andrews, Darrell Sandeen
James (Sean Andrews), a young college student decides to spend the summer break at his father Hezakiah's (Darrell Sandeen) remote desert ranch hoping to repair their estranged relationship following the death of James' mother. Arriving at the ranch, James finds his eccentric father obsessed with his crazily unconventional art projects and shacked up with a buxom nymphet, Cheryl (Mary Carey), for whom the phrase "like father, like son" is not so much a cliché relating to common familial characteristics as a statement of her all-embracing sexual inclinations.
No sooner has James settled into to this convenient domestic arrangement than a bizarre series of murders begins, with one curvaceous bombshell after another meeting a particularly gruesome end. While Hezekiah is looking to pin the blame for the killings on his son, James is convinced that his father has become a psychotic madman. But the inexplicable circumstances surrounding the killings have James doubting his own suspicions in a disturbingly self-reflective manner. Little does he know that the culprit is about to rear its ugly head… and it's not going to be pretty!