In the nation of Libria, there is always peace among men. The rules of the Librian system are simple. If you are happy, you will be arrested. If you cry, the law will hunt you down. If you read a contraband book or so much as look at a smuggled painting, you've committed a criminal sin, skip your enforced medicine and your life will be over. To keep the peace, citizens must take their daily dose of Prozium, a powerful designer drug that stops feelings dead and keeps everyone on an even keel. Refuse to take the drug, and special police, trained in Gun-Kata, a unique form of deadly martial art combat, go on the hunt. Up until now, top-ranking government official John Preston has believed in and upheld this system as a highly-trained "Cleric" who seeks out and destroys those who don't take their pills. But then he skips his own dose of Prozium - and discovers an incredible new world of sensation that gives him the passion to fight for freedom.
Analysis If you were a particularly skeptical person, you could be forgiven for thinking that this film is nothing more than a Matrix wannabe attempting to cash in on the year 2003 which just happens to be one of the biggest times for the Matrix series. I am not in total agreement with this theory however and whilst parallel can always be drawn between the two movie styles, Equilibrium has more in common with the 1976 sci-fi movie 'Logan's Run' than anything else.
Christian Bale plays the cities most successful and deadliest 'Cleric', dealing harshly with all 'sense' offenders. Bale's last movie role as Quinn in 'Reign of Fire' was a little disappointing, but he makes up for his previous crime by pulling off a fine performance that fans of 'American Psycho' will remember well. Credit also goes to Taye Diggs who dilliberatly portrays a career hungry back-stabber lurking in the shadows just waiting for an opportunity for Bale's character to slip up. It was strange to see British 'entertainer' Brian Connelly in amongst's the films star names even though it was only a bit part. As a familiar face on the UK small screen, his presence here was a shock, but as he gets beaten up by Christian Bale I can finally believe that there is a god after all.
The first twenty minutes of the film consist of the usual scene setting that the action hungry fan will find frustrating but it is necessary so bear with it as the fruits of their labor are about to blossom. The new martial art created for this film called 'Gun-Kata' makes for absolutely sensational fight scenes that are both frantic and brutal. The main aim is to use any part of ones weapon to debilitate the enemy, so apart from the conventional bullet holes they also use the metal butt and use the assailant weapons against themselves and others. The use of Samaria swords adds to the variety of lethal weapons and these are wielded with mind numbing speed. The action really is of a very high standard and is the main selling point of the film.
Key Area |
Rating (out of 5)
Comment |
A smattering of action in the first 20 minutes leads you to believe that this is a little sleepy, but stick with it and you are treated to some excellently choreographed fight scenes. The ballistic ballet that is performed holds its own well against the similar styled fights used in the Matrix.
Not much in the way of heart pounding tension but the adrenalin boost sure makes up for it.
A lot of people get to taste lead either in the form of a bullet or the butt of a gun, either way the result is the same, broken faces. The gore factor is not off the scale but the occasional smattering of claret does grace the screen. A couple of stand out scenes include an agonising arm break and a scene towards the end that gives a literal meaning to the phrase 'Face-Off'.
Bare Flesh
If feelings are taboo in Libria, how does anybody have children. Naked ladies make sure make me want to feel ;-) Unfortunately the clerics are too busy killing people to care about sex.
Take 'Logan's Run' and shake it up with 'The Matrix' and 'Metropolis', that pretty much covers Equilibrium. The story is just interesting enough to make you feel for the plight of the characters but never do you make that vital connection with them.
Verdict Kurt Wimmer is relatively new to the Director's chair but he does have a couple of outstanding writing credits including 'Sphere' and 'The Recruit'. What he has created here is a mix of blinding action melded with an interesting but ultimately average story. Although this film has been given a luke warm reception elsewhere, it is still entertaining enough for sci-fi and action fans a like and makes a great stop gap until 'The Matrix' comes along.
Facts, figures and boobs
1. |
The blood on Preston's suit and right hand in the final scenes disappears and reappears between shots. |
2. |
In the final fight scene between Preston and DuPont, Preston takes away DuPont's gun. The gun disappears and reappears in his left hand between shots. |
3. |
At the raid with Brandt, Preston takes off his gloves and feels the bullet holes running along the wall, where he discovers the secret room. Yet when he enters the room we see him taking off the gloves again. |
4. |
As Preston gets back into his car after dropping off the puppy in the Nethers, exhaust vapor is visible behind the car (i.e. the engine is running). A moment later, he starts the car (again). Additionally, the exhaust vapor is going back into the pipe. |
What other people thought of this film: - |
Paul Kemp |
I only know two other people who have seen this film. One is an idiot and the other was high on every one of the 9 occasions that he watched the film. Needless to say who loved it and whom hated it. Conclusion, if you don't like this film you are either an idiot or need a smoke of something.
Drew |
It would seem that Equilibrium is more like Farenheiht 451 and 1984. I don't see where it rips off the Matrix because the fight scenes are pretty much original and don't have any bullet-time. A pleasant surprise. I really enjoyed it!
Simo |
Equilibrium is the greatest underated movie I have ever scene. The world it's set in is almost like Farenheit 451 except a diferent aspect of the story, great fight sequences.
Seth |
Gun fights always put me to sleep, but the sword fights and hand to hand were well above par, although a greater frequency of the same would have been appreciated. I especially enjoyed the short jo (short staff) fight between Bale and Digs. And Christian Bale moves far more convincingly in fight scenes than Keanu Reeves or Lawrence Fishburne ever did in any of the Matrix films to date. Overall, well shot, although intellectually it never really comes close to the levels of Ray Bradbury's Farenhiet 451 from which it obviously borrowed a lot. Still, I liked this film a lot, warts and all.
Darren R |
ok this movie rocks for two as usual,Chritian Bale is deep and dark, two i have never seen a fight scene like this. The gun battles are so well cor. it seems to watch this movie go buy it
Lisa is the hottest girl i have ever seen (Emily Siewert).
Sorina, Romania
Well, there is a frequent mistake I met in the 'Equilibrim'; reviews. According to those reviews, John Preston stops taking the Prozium and starts feeling. As simple as that. Have you seen the expression on his face when the government people tell him his wife is a sense-offender? Reproach... Fear... Terror...It's the terror of a man who is put in a no escape situation. He's going to loose her forever and he can do absolutely nothing for her. The whole scene is illustrative for the shock he suffers. And all this happens two years BEFORE he stops taking the drug! For two years the ideology he's been raised up with proves to be stronger than his need to bring into counscioness and express his feelings. Another woman, Mary O'Brien, which reminds him of his late wife, will be the catalyst for his emotional awake.
Another thing I absolutely disagree is comparing 'Equilibrium' to the 'Matrix'. 'Matrix' is indeed impressive by its effects. 'Equilibrium' is however more than a series of effects. Art is present even in the fight scenes, which their choreography made me think of a 'death dance' (I was not at all surprised to find out Christian Bale is a dancer, too). But in the end 'Equilibrium' is about human emotion. The totalitarian society imposed by the Father, the Prozium, the revolution, all that is just a background for one character story - or, as Kurt Wimmer himself says, 'The plot is the character'. And watch him awaking was for me one of the most uplifting experiences.
My new favorite movie.
Speaking only for the fight scenes here: the best addition to the martial arts is that it is far more realistic than in the matrix. Training in the art of Shaolin Kung Fu makes one realise that the style of fighting used (equilibrium uses a large deal of kung fu and aikedo) with the whole breaking of arms etc... is far more "real life" than the whole matrix style "beat me up" atmosphere. Best movie for realistic martial arts ever - mixed with gun porn - my new fav movie also
I can see why people compare Equilibrium to the Matrix but this film is more about 'having the option'. In the Matrix, people don't know what they are missing, they don't know there is anything TO miss. But in equilibrium it is easier to find out what your missing, you dont take the medication.