Release Dates

Film Review
Michael Mann
Colin Farrell
Jamie Foxx
Gong Li
Naomie Harris
Justin Theroux
Ciarán Hinds
Luis Tosar

United International Pictures
Running Time
135 Minutes
Certification (UK / US)
15 / R
Reviewed By
Albert Koleba
Michael Mann's new vision of his old hit TV show, Miami Vice is a massive disappointment. It's easily one the worst films he's attached his name to. For some reason, Mann has decided to go the way of Tony Scott and make his movies with all style and no substance. I don't know what makes a great director change up a near perfect style, but perhaps it has something to do with age. Maybe they lose confidence after a misfire and try to make their movies younger, sexier, and more hip. Overly shaky camera work, lots of pointless light love scenes in the shower, and dialogue that tries ever so hard to be cool, but is ultimately doomed. Gone are the days of Mann's masterful direction with films such as Last Of The Mohicans, Heat, and The Insider. What we have here is a combination of Mann's more recent efforts. Picture the style of Collateral combined with the dreadful boredom of Ali and you have Michael Mann's latest stumble.
The movie actually starts off with quite a bang, but goes downhill steadily to the point of no return. In the beginning we're treated to an awesome yet brief, one sided shootout. This scene was really an awesome opening, and for about 20 minutes into the movie, I really thought the old Michael Mann was back. For almost an hour and half there is no real action to the movie, and all we get is dialogue that gets increasingly weaker as the film goes on. We hear of drug deals that are going to be set and attacks that should be made, talks of double crossing and what the bad and good guys are planning. This stuff is completely boring and honestly, after a while it just gets sort of sickening. It would have been so easy to throw in an action scene or two to liven things up. After all this is a movie about evil drug dealers and cops, but no, all we get is a boring story with pointless rambling dialogue. The story and characters aren't even worth mentioning but I feel obliged to do so anyway. All you need to know is vice detectives Crockett and Tubbs are hunting for drug dealers and going undercover. Crockett, played by Farrell falls for a druglord's hot, wife/business associate, Isabella, played by Gong Li.

Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx are both very good in the film and work well together, but they have nothing to actually do except stand around, looking cool and talking tough. During the movie all I could think about is what the hell happened to Michael Mann. This is the guy who did Heat, one of the greatest cops & robbers films ever made. You would think Miami Vice would be right up his alley, something he could really make special. Sadly you would be better off watching the TV shows from the 1980's. Sure, they were cheesy at times, but they were also far more entertaining, although a good laugh can still be gained from Farrell's outstanding hairstyle, which alone should win an Oscar for best supporting role.
Towards the last half hour of the movie, signs of life in Mann's direction spring up once again. There are some decent shootout scenes and a good, yet a bit under whelming final showdown. But it's too little too late as Mann's infatuation with style finally engulfs any hope of an engaging plot. This movie was just a complete waste of time and money. I went into the theatre with high hopes only to have them completely crushed. A great beginning and a decent ending, but everything in between is complete trash through and through. I will try to forget this movie. I would rather remember Michael Mann for his finer cinematic triumphs, I suggest everyone else do the same.
5 / 10

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