A transport ship containing a small group of passengers on a routine space flight are thrown into chaos when the ship they are in crash lands on a desert planet. The survivors have to face the challenge of dehydration whilst searching for a way off the planet. Another problem that faces the stranded crew is Riddick, a violent prisoner held securely on the ship, is now loose and on the prowl. But when the darkness falls after an eclipse of the planets three suns, Riddick is the least of their worries. Unleashed from the black comes a race of nocturnal creatures, looking for prey......
Analysis Ridley Scott certainly started something good when he released Aliens in 1979 and many directors have tried to compete with his vision by creating films based upon a winning format. The basics of landing on a planet infested by viscous, slobbering beasts with the poor crew being assaulted whilst trying to mind their own business is not a new one, and as a sci-fi buff you have probably seen it all before. The sad fact remains that just too many have imitated and not enough new substance has appeared. It will always be a problem when creating a similar movie that a comparison will be made between itself and the Alien films.
But hold on a second
..What the
..I don't believe it
.Could this be a good film based on this formula
No sorry my mistake
.This is a great film based on this formula.
Pitch Black does just about everything right. From the glorious opening footage of the transport ship floating in space, right through to the end credits, every moment is filled with action, tension and adrenaline. The cast, including the lovely Claudia Black of Farscape fame, was suitably balanced with one actor shining above the rest. Vin Diesel (no, not a make of toilet bleach) was excellent as Riddick, an inmate being transported to new digs. The continuing air of violence that preceded him in every scene was thick and oppressive but well executed without it becoming silly.
Some of the set piece scenes were a joy to watch including a section where Carolyn Fry (Radha Mitchell's character) crawls into a narrow passage leading into a cavern system where we first encounter the strange beasts. Very tense and very gripping.
The effects were well done but not overused. The eclipse scene looks beautiful, and watch out for the moment in the desert where one of the characters does a little fire breathing. The monsters (a cross between a bat and a hammer head shark) are original enough and scary enough to make you wish you could crawl behind the sofa.
Key Area |
Rating (out of 5)
Comment |
The ship crash scene at the start is pretty good, followed by a load of excellent set peices, mainly involving the creatures.
The tension is kept high with Vin Diesel playing hide and seek at the start followed by a lot of running and screaming from flying creatures.
Quiet a few CGI moments. A nice head spliting, Poor Claudia bites the bullet and parts company with her legs and many more death scenes that involve the red stuff.
Bare Flesh
A nice look down the uniform of Radha Mitchell's character, but that really is desperate.
A story that hinges on a monumental peice of bad luck which some might say is ridiculous. I say sh*t happens.
Verdict This film is good fun. That's the bottom line. O.K, so it is a bit of a no brainer, but who the hell cares. A film doesn't need to provoke thought for it to be a good flick. Every key element (except nudity) is covered well and in the Asylums book, this is a very positive sign. The only negative point being that some of the detail is lost amongst the shadowy images, so make sure that the lights are turned down when viewing. Considering the whole point of the film (and its title) you would expect the odd 'dark' moment!!!
Get your freinds round, turn up the volume, turn down the lights and emerse your sole in Pitch Black.

Adrenaline charged space mayhem. Great stuff.
Facts, figures and boobs
1. |
The spaceship 'Hunter/Gratzner' is also the name of the visual effects company that designed and built the actual model of the ship. |
2. |
The desert scenes were filmed in the same location used for Mad Max. |
3. |
In the wide screen version, a shadow of a camera is visible on the left third of the screen in the darkened hallway immediately after the eclipse. |
4. |
When Fry is climbing out of the cave, the "solid" walls shake. |
5. |
The film was shot in and around Australia. |
6. |
What happened to the blue sun? In the movie we see it just starting to rise. But after the binary yellow suns are eclipsed, the blue one just disappears without ceremony. According to the planetary model it also gets eclipsed, but we don't get to see it happen. |
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