Johnny Crash
Independant Cinema
Run Time (min)
Release Year
18 / R

Reviewed By

 Misty Mundae
 Julian Wells
 Darian Caine
 Kelli Summers
 Shelby Taylor
Ruby Larocca
 Adam Cox
 John P Fedele
 Michael R Thomas
 Terry West

Misty Mundae is Patricia Porker, a shy and studious high school girl with sweet dreams of tender romance and passion with the handsome boy next door. When bitten by her science teacher's genetically engineered spider, she gets more than she could have ever wished for! Suddenly transformed into a wall-climbing, building-bounding beauty with superhuman strength and an erotic appetite to match, Patricia takes the name SpiderBabe and quickly warms to saving lives, fighting crime and seducing the grateful citizens of New York City. But little does SpiderBabe know that a sinister arch-enemy is plotting her downfall. Her name is Lucinda Knox, a.k.a. The Femtilian (Julian Wells) - a lithe, deadly and delectable evil genius with her own taste for lustful adventure - and she will stop at nothing in her mad quest for world domination.

Once again the Seduction Cinema label brings it's loyal fan base a sexy spoof of one of the biggest and most anticipated releases of 2002, 'Spiderman'. The name say's just about everything you need to know about the film, with a 'babe' instead of the 'man', the gender role reversal is plain for all too see. SC stalwart Misty Mundae plays Spiderbabe with her arch nemesis being vamped up by the lovely Julian Wells. The role of Spiderbabes best friend, and sister to Julian's character is played by the goofy Darian Caine, and Spidey's love interest is no longer a chick but some young bronzed stud. Yep this is Seduction Cinema at it's finest.....well almost.

'Spiderbabe' is similar in production magnitude to their excellent 2002 spoof....wait for it......'Lord of the G-Strings', (I love these titles) which ranks as my all time favorite movie on the Seduction label, containing an almost perfect balance of humor, breasts, action and breasts. With this fresh in mind I was hoping for a repeat performance from Director Johnny Crash. As any visitor to this site will probably know by now, I do not normally champion the cause of leading lady Misty but I have to hold my hands up and say that, given the right role (preferably containing humor), she can offer up an entertaining performance far out stripping (excuse the pun) any of the 'serious' acting that she has undertaken in films such as 'Satan's School for Lust' or 'Sin Sisters'. Whilst still unfathomably popular by hardcore fans and studio alike, it's refreshing to see her leading role status not go to waste here.

The film opens clumsily, launching straight into a fake sex scene between Misty and Adam Cox, "so out goes any chance of a story then" I sit thinking to myself, but suddenly it all stops and becomes nothing more than a teasing little moment on the road to....more fake sex. OK, so you know what these movies are all about by now and if you don't like them we have a good review of 'Shrek' somewhere around here, for the rest of us, read on.

One of the nice things about spoofs is that a good story has already been formed, leaving you time to think how you are going to create your own spin on the original and, while the production team haven't gone overboard, they have managed to cobble together a very viewable version that allows the viewer to garner some satisfaction whether this be from titillation or amusement. The humor is pretty basic stuff but so was 'Airplane' and all the 'Scary Movie' films so this is not meant as an insult, but with a little explanation you will begin to understand what I'm talking about. First we have the unique but rather unhygienic method in which our Spiderbabe produces her web. Not from the wrist, oh no, this would be far too obvious, try a little lower remembering that our heroine, after being bitten by the genetically altered spider, also turns into a raving sex stared loony. As she gets randy, POP, out comes a stream of heavenly web. Also very funny but I'm unsure if it was intentional is the implement that the professor uses to first turn Julian Wells's character into Femtilian. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that magical device an just energy saving light bulb?

The girls are always a pleasure to watch in Seduction Cinema movies and none more so than this one as I was overjoyed to see, at long last, the drop dead gorgeous Kelli Summers getting a large slice of the sexy screen time, even if her theatrical role was limited to taking her top off and eventually falling out of a window......with her top off. I salute you Miss Summers.

Key Area Rating (out of 5)  Comment
Campy fight scenes between scantily clad women can only be truly classed as action when combined with either jelly or mud. Unfortunately neither is present here.
Seeing Terry West dressed as a baby and getting spanked made me very tense indeed, but that doesn't count.
I think Femtilian gets a bloody nose but that's your lot.
Bare Flesh
All the girls get naked and writhe around on the floor like their lives depended on it. What more is there to say!!
I think it's fair to say that they have taken a good super hero story and absolutely smothered it in super sexy cheese, producing a film that even surpasses the original for shallowness. You WILL be entertained, just not by the story.

You know what your getting with a Seduction Cinema film and it really all boils down to a question of balance, weighing up nudity against humor against production values. An amusing tone is set here but I feel that a little more punchy humor would have offset the nudity better. Taking into account the multitude of extras contained within the double DVD version we reviewed, you can't really go far wrong if this these sexy shenanigans float your boat.

Facts, figures and boobs
During the upside down kissing scene between Spiderbabe and Adan Cox's character, Misty Mundae was actually being held by her ankles by two crew members to create the illusion.

Movie Pictures
(Click picture to enlarge)

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