Tears of the Sun deals with the gritty realism of human conflict as Lt. Waters and his team of US Navy Seals, travel to war-torn central Africa to rescue Dr. Lena Kendricks, a U.S. citizen who runs a mission in the countryside. But when Lt. Waters arrives Dr. Kendricks refuses to abandon the refugees under her care. She implores Waters to escort them on a dangerous trek through the dense jungle to the nearby border.
Analysis Tears of the Sun (TOTS) is not an all out military action movie and never intended to be one in the first place. It covers the grim and bloody civil war that rages within Nigeria and as such has a few very powerful and very disturbing moments that will leave one feeling uneasy. Innocent villages are violently depicted being murdered and raped at the hands of gun crazed outlaws who's sole purpose is to feed there barbaric nature. Unlike Blackhawk Down which offers the casual viewer a place to hang his hat for an hour or two, TOTS has more depth and surprisingly avoids a lot of the 'God bless America' moments that normally drip off anything with a US military stamp on it.
The story is a relatively simple one which throws in a little twist about half way in that increases the groups already dangerous and precarious position. As the SEALS escort the civilians through the jungle we can feel a heightening sense of tension as a rouge band of soldiers attempt to hunt them down by any means necessary. The night time jungle scenes from Platoon are so gripping and it is a real shame that the tension in TOTS could not have been notched up quite as high but we are treated to some really good moments that have that 'will they be spotted or won't they' feel about them and, apart from the climatic battle scene, rank as the highlight of the film.
Bruce Willis is fast becoming the master of long, thoughtful steely glares with ample opportunity in this film for close facial action as Willis crinkles his eyes and stares into the hearts of his co-actors. Willis is actually quite plausible as the hard bitten Navy Seal Lieutenant but as we have all seen so many times in the past, his acting range is limited to what is essentially a 'Die Hard in the jungle' routine. Even when he attempts to branch out into the lighter side of cinema he ends up annoying his action fans and goes on to produce what is officially described in the dictionary as a Hudson Hawk. Most other cast members take a relative back seat to Willis but the lovely Monica Bellucci manages to give a heart felt performance as Dr Kendricks and convinces the audience that she really would die for the people she has been caring for rather than leave them in the jungle.
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Rating (out of 5)
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An array of ferocious gun fights and explosions pepper the story to ensure that the excitement factor remains constant.
Some great moments that really get the pulse racing. Look at it like hide-and-seek in the jungle except if your found your dead. One standout moment involves the guerrillas looking around the jungle for the group just as one of the children start to cry. Gripping stuff!
The violence is depicted in an intentionally brutal manner especially when showing what men can do when law and order breaks down. As the situations do not allow the suspension of disbelief they become all the more intense.
Bare Flesh
Brief nudity is shown as part of a harrowing rape scene.
An honest story that tries to convey the message that even in the most desolate and hopeless situations, compassion and the will to survive can conquer all.
Verdict This film has a vicious undertone that makes a few of the scenes hard to stomach and pulls no punches in it's depiction of the cruelty that occurs in many countries all over the planet. The Navy SEALS appear as a sign of hope in an other wise hopeless state of desolation and Antoine Fuqua's careful direction has ensured that the subject matter is respectfully presented not as a military action movie but as a compelling drama.........with action.
Facts, figures and boobs
A stuntman was killed filming a parachuting scene near Oceano, California. Jumping with eight other skydivers from 14,000 feet, the man was supposed to land on the beach, but actually landed about 300 yards offshore and drowned.
When the two fighter-bombers take off from the aircraft carrier in the final battle, they only have drop tanks, no missiles or other visible armaments. As they fly over to the battle, they now have six missiles each.
Waters' beard varies in length inconsistently throughout the film.
The time shown on Rhodes' watch changes inconsistently between shots when he is talking to Waters.
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