Eliza Borecka
Katarzyna Zelnik,
Magda Szymborska
Andrej Jass

When a local woman is found stripped naked and brutally slaughtered on the outskirts of a small town, the local police fear a known serial killer has returned to his old hunting ground, especially as the killings bare all the hallmarks of the previous unsolved murders.

Soon more naked bodies start turning up as the misogynistic killer goes about his work. Still the police can find no clues. It's almost as if the killer isn't even human.

There are certain sub cultures when dealing with horror films that encompass styles such as your mainstream Hollywood horror along with your sci-fi horrors and those horrors of a more specialist nature. What I am referring to is cheesy horror. The kind that has plenty of death scenes involving scantily clad females doing truly stupid things and getting killed for it. Now the thing about this kind of movie is that it is usually done with an element of tongue in cheek. Occasionally there is an exception...

Fantom Kiler is one of these films that uses extreme violence coupled with naked women to deliver truly shocking imagery straight into your living room. Touting this film as an 'erotic horror' is an understatement which should not go unheeded. Although the violent scenes are not saturated with gore, you do see a fair amount of blood, but it is the way in which the deaths occur that is unnerving. To add the cherry to the already horrific cake, we are treated to some nudity scenes that some might class as 'hardcore'. Let me give you an example of one such scene that, although blood less, deserves a mention for shear bizarreness...

A man talks to a young lady in his office. They both work together and are talking about keeping fit. The women decides to show the man a few exercise movements so she removes all her constricting clothes (a small pair of shorts and a tiny top). After the brief workout she asks the man if he would like to undergo a strength test. This test involves inserting a wooden spoon into her bottom whilst she bends over a desk. She then clenches her butt-cheek muscles whilst he attempts to pull the spoon out?!?!?!?

Technically the film has very little to fault it bearing in mind that the budget would have been pretty small. It falters a little between some scene transitions but it's no big deal. The strong opposing colours used for the lighting effects around the woodland scenes were well done and reminded me a little of the style that Dario Argento used to great effect. The whole production has been released with it's original sound track so there is no english dubbing, which basically means that you'll have to watch the movie whilst reading the subtitles which, interestingly enough, keep changing sizes during the films progression.

Key Area Rating (out of 5)  Comment
Not really any action in the traditional sense.
Most of the murder scenes are presented to the audience in woodland areas. This is a great surrounding to build up suspense and Fantom Kiler does a reasonable job of presenting us with a few scary moments.
The violence is not incredibly bloody but it's served up in such a brutal way that this has to score top marks. One such scene is a young lady who gets repeatedly stabbed in the nether regions by a screwdriver. Get the point because she defiantly did.
Bare Flesh
Every single woman in this film reveals there inner sole at the drop of a hat. Be advised that you also get a few very 'personal' shots that you do not normally get with this type of movie.
The unsolved crimes and the involvement of a sadistic serial killer gives us just about enough excuse to slaughter naked women.

So is this film worth watching? Well from what I've already said you should have a good idea of where this film's coming from. Blood, naked women (plenty of) and brutal violence makes this film the wet dream of any hardcore horror fan looking for that little bit extra.
Defiantly not one to be left lying on the coffee table when your mum comes around for tea, unless your mum happens to be Rosemary West.
Hardcore horror fans will die for this piece of work.

Movie Pictures

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I want it Girls look well nice!
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