Gabriel Byrne .... Capt. Sean Murphy
Julianna Margulies .... Maureen Epps
Ron Eldard .... Dodge
Desmond Harrington .... Jack Ferriman
Isaiah Washington .... Greer
Alex Dimitriades .... Santos
Karl Urban .... Munder
Emily Browning .... Katie Hargrove
Francesca Rettondini .... Francesca
Boris Brkic .... Chief Steward
Bob Ruggiero .... Captain (as Robert Ruggiero)
Robert Ruggiero .... Captain
Iain Gardiner .... Purser
Adam Bieshaar .... First Officer
Cameron Watt .... Second Officer

In a remote region of the Bering Sea, a boat salvage crew discovers the eerie remains of a grand passenger liner thought lost for more than 40 years. Once onboard, the crew must confront the ship's horrific past and face the ultimate fight for their lives.

Trying to get people to accompany me to the cinema to see this movie was an uphill struggle from the start. The thing is that Ghost Ship looks like a horror film, sounds like a horror film and never turns it head in shame when called a horror film. People just don't seem to like films that base their existence on fright and gore alone. One thing that came from my pleading was a chance trip with two colleagues who I do not normally attend the cinema with. This was a blessing in disguise as both were big horror/sci-fi fans, so we were in for a good night.......hopefully.

When the movie opened I stood up and almost left the theatre as I thought I had entered the screen showing the new 'Love Boat' movie. Romantic music, elegant dancers enjoying the evening breeze on the deck of a grand ocean liner. Not what you expect from a horror film. Well, no need to worry as everyone's perfect night was soon spoiled by a very unfortunate accident that has to be seen to be believed. I hate spoiling things for you so all I will say is only children and munchkin's would survive such an event. Seeing as no munchkin's were on board (or even exist for that matter), I guess it was down to the one and only child (funny that) on board to be the lone survivor. The movie proper then kicks in, introducing us to the wise cracking crew of a tug boat used for salvaging ocean vessels. After a chance conversation in a local bar the crew set off in search of a vessel that was spotted from the air by a pilot who insists on accompanying the crew on their journey. Predictably it all starts to fall apart for the group at this stage.

One thing I must say is that I was impressed by the overall acting of the cast, primarily with Gabriel Byrne who gave yet another understated performance. Another outstanding member of the cast would have to be the sultry stunner, Francesca Rettondini who while only appearing on screen for a short time certainly makes a big impression on the testosterone fueled males.

A few parallels can be drawn with this film and others that follow similar topics. The first is 'Aliens' in the fact that Steve Beck (Thir13en Ghosts) has managed to direct a tight and claustrophobic set that builds the tension nicely. The second would have to be 'Virus' which started Jamie Lee Curtis. The obvious comparison here is with the 'ship lost at sea only to be found again full of nasty stuff' story line.

Everything that Ghost Ship did was good but it didn't do anything great. The building of tension often lead you to moments that never quite justified the white knuckles. The effects were well done but some would say that they were a little underdone. With a closed stage such as the eerie corridors of a long lost ocean liner, the scope should have been endless for guts and gore but maybe that was the way it was supposed to be. More story, less gory.

Key Area Rating (out of 5)  Comment
'Run for your life it's going to explode'. Yep, pyrotechnics are used to good effect in a couple of scenes. We are also treated to a whole host of gun totting action.
Good build up's that tend to let you down a little bit. Could have used the tight , twisting corridors to much better effect. You do feel a little uneasy in places though.
Some excellent moments that will make you wince, including the opening scene on the deck and various passenger death scenes. Francesca's demise is shown in nice detail and will make you grab your face with pain (now you know what a fish feels like).
Bare Flesh

Who would have thought that the rusty interior of a boat could be so sexy. Invite Francesca Rettondini to the party and even the darkest place suddenly fills with light.

Yep it's got one but it's nothing new or ground breaking.

Ghost Ship is an unashamed example of what decent horror could and should be. I've read so many other 'main-stream' reviews that slate this movie. But what are they really criticising it for? I think the real reason is that it has the nerve to stand up and say 'yeah, I'm horror film what you going to do about it' and some people just don't like that. If your not a horror fan, why are you reviewing the film in the first place?
It's in your face entertainment that leaves your head empty but does what any good film should and that's detach you from reality. Fantastical Cinema baby.
Nautical nastiness.

Facts, figures and boobs

1.  Though the Antonia Graza is supposed to be an Italian ship, there are several glaring grammatical errors whenever Italian words are visible on screen. The most evident of these is the plaque sporting the phrase "Cabina di capitano" (outside the ship's captain cabin) instead of the correct "Cabina del capitano". Other visible errors include gibberish on a can of rat poison in the galley.
2.  Gold bars or the size shown are much heavier than depicted.
3.  When Epps is walking down the hall looking for Katie's room she is clearly wearing the heart necklace which she has not found yet.

Movie Pictures
What other people thought of this film: -
I love this movie but only b/c desmond harrington is so sexy and i love him so much.
I thought 'Ghost Ship' was the kind of movie that, at first, I wouldn't like. But, after my mom bought the DVD, I watched the movie. I saw previews for the movie, thought it'd look interesting, but, when Bad Axe didn't get it in theaters, it had me thinking that it was a bad movie. Once I watched it, though, I thought that it was interesting. I think that all the actors and actress' did a VERY good job in the movie. I thought the effects were great, too. It's a good movie.
Jennifer Excellent movie. Emily Browning it's a good actress
The movie was good. It was kind of stupid at the top of the movie. Lot of Mystery. But it was good.
Stephanie The film was well good i enjoy it
Paris One of the worst movies that i've ever seen!!! i want my money back!!!!!!!
DS Good Movie.
Jenifer Goodness this movie was great. Emily Browning really is an awesome actress for a girl her age.Gore was great haha
Hi, i have never seen the film. It looks very interesting ,but i heard its got the 'titanic' in it? Whats that all about?
Spectre One of the best movies ever! All hail Dark Castle!!!
Thomas Morrisey
Rented it on DVD. I know people are going to think I'm a retard for saying this, but I enjoyed the film. The incredible set alone makes it watchable.
I thought the movie ROCKED! it was probably one of the best movies i have ever seen! GREAT JOB GUYS KEEP IT UP PLEASE!!!!
I thought the movie was one of the best due to the ending and the way everything turned out. But overall, it wasn't that scary. Just more like tragic/dramatic.
Naomi Well ....... great.
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