Misty Mundae ... Dildo Saggins
Darian Caine ... Hornee
A J Khan ... Spam
Barbara Joyce ... Araporn
Michael R Thomas ... Smirnof the Wizard
John Link ... Ballem
Anoushka ... Benadryl
Allanah Rhodes ... Hymen Torn
Juliette Charles ... Tree Nymph
Kelli Summers ... Drusilla
Paige Richards ... WhoreSpank

In Lord of the G-Strings, Misty Mundae stars as the diminutive, yet delectable Throbbit Bildo Saggins. Bildo is sent by Smirnoff The Wizard to destroy the legendary G-String – the most powerful weapon in the land. Forged by the ancient sorceress Horspank, whoever possess the slinky and sexy undergarment will experience supreme invincibility and untold pleasures.

If Independent Cinema were looking for an idea for a movie spoof, they couldn't have chosen a higher profile film than this. Lord of the Rings is in vogue at the moment, so why not try and cash in by releasing a film that has all the Seduction Cinema hallmarks . This movie has a wonderful, refreshing air about it. Instead of the usual dark and moody horror theme where nobody smiles and the laughter is nonexistent, we have a light-hearted chuckle fiesta that keeps you entertained from start to finish. The winning factor here is the script. I could not believe just how funny this film was and the delivery of the lines by all involved is absolutely faultless. I even saw Misty smile and laugh which I don't think I have ever seen her do in any film I've seen her in. Now that's got to be a good sign.

The film is still basically adult soft core, but instead of the usual lesbian scenes stitch together without any consideration to pace, we now have a nice logical flow to the production that helps keep the viewers interest. Michael R Thomas plays a truly hilarious part as the drunken wizard and stole the show for me. It was nice to see the familiar faces that we all associate with the Independent Cinema label but there are a few I'd like to make special mention of. First off we have my two favorite women of Seduction Cinema, Kelli Summers and Barbara Joyce. I was disappointed that the gorgeous Kelli was not called upon more during this film and felt she should have had a little more screen time. I was pleased to see the lovely Barbara taking another main role. I was also surprised to see the close up shots of A J Khan, this girl is seriously stunning and has a sultry smolder that could set your eye brows on fire if you stared too long. Juliette Charles, who plays the tree nymph, also looks absolutely ravishing and hope to see more of her in future releases.

Unusually for a Seduction Cinema releases, we get a fare amount of computer graphics primarily making up scene transitions and while only of a basic standard compared to your ILM benchmark, it's still effective all the same.

The last thing I want to say is aimed specifically towards the Director. I have reviewed a couple of Terry West films before and have not always been that complimentary. I would just like to say that this is the best film he has made and hope that he keeps doing what ever he is doing right now because it's working wonders.

Key Area Rating (out of 5)  Comment
A bit of sword play that comes across as very camp and cheesy but I have no doubt that this was the intention.
A few minor thrills but not a lot.
The only time I saw blood was when my sides split from all the laughter.
Bare Flesh
As is the norm for a Seduction Cinema production, you get the whole cast buck naked, getting giggy with each other. Very soft core and very lesbian orientated. What fun they must have between shots. Oh to be a fly on the wall.
A very funny spin on the original Tolkien classic. Seduction Cinema are defiantly improving their act when spoofing famous films. This is a great little title that lasts just about as long as it needs to.

The best in-house film that I have ever seen on the Seduction Cinema label. A great spoof of a classic tale that will keep you laughing all the way to the final credits and with the inclusion of some great looking ladies, how the hell can you go wrong.
Adult-fantasy that will raise more than a smile.

Facts, figures and boobs

1.  The DVD cover refers to Misty Mundae's character as Bildo Saggins. In the film her character is actually called Dildo Saggins. Also the character played by Paige Richards is called Horspank but in the film her name is WhoreSpank.

Movie Pictures
What other people thought of this film: -
Roach Scholng IT F*CKING ROCKS!
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