Justin Long.... Darius Jenner
Gina Philips .... Patricia Jenner
Jonathan Breck .... The Creeper
Patricia Belcher .... Jezelle Gay Hartman
Eileen Brennan .... Eliza "Cat Lady" Peterson
Brandon Smith.... Sgt. David Tubbs
Peggy Sheffield .... Waitress Beverly
Jeffrey William Evans .... Manager
Patrick Cherry .... Man at Jukebox
Jon Beshara .... Trooper Gideon
Avis-Marie Barnes .... Trooper Weston
Steve Raulerson .... Cellblock Officer
Tom Tarantini .... Roach

A brother and sister on spring break from college decide to take the scenic route home, an endless, desolate stretch of road through central Florida. Along the way they are run off the road by a strange truck. Later they see the truck driver disposing of what looks like a human body down a drainpipe near an old church. Derry convinces his older sister, Trish that they have to investigate. What unfolds is a nightmare tale of mass murder and unspeakable evil. On the prowl and hungry, a dark figure hunts all that crosses it's path and the duo are soon in deeper than they realise.

"This is the most scary, stylish horror movie I've seen in years" is what Clive Barker said when he saw this film for the first time. This is indeed high praise which could be the reason that Jeepers Creepers hit the top ten in the US. Praise from such a big genre name always leaves me a little suspicious, especially when it is plastered all over the promotion material, but an open mind is the only fair way to go.
I managed to catch this movie in Manchester (UK) with a couple of colleagues who admit that horror is not their first choice of film genre, so I was hoping that this might be outstanding enough to convert them to the dark side. Did it ? are they now evil, disturbed monsters ?......well keep on reading to find out.

The first noticeable and unfortunate criticism I had was that for a horror flick, it started very heavy on the dialogue. Plot is great and gives a film purpose, so a little scene setting never goes a miss, but at the end of this film you really get the feeling that the first 10 minutes of chatter between brother and sister is just not justified. Any how, on with the show. Things got hotter as the Creeper showed up in his van, causing all manner of vehicular mayhem and thanks to what must rank as one of movie histories most stupid decisions, the dim brother ends up stuck in a church basement (just how does he get out anyway?). It is here that the film shows some of it's true genre grit, a massive dollop of atmosphere. Not wanting to have the words SPOILER, plastered all over this review, all I will say is that I genuinely felt a knot in my stomach as Darius investigated the Creepers lair. Likewise the Police station scenes, filled with dark corridors and claustrophobic camera work, were extremely enjoyable. In fact this particular part of the movie, for me, was the crescendo of the piece, involving several good gory moments and lots of action.
The movies title, referring to an old song from the 70's, seems an obvious excuse to match the words 'jeepers creepers, where did you get those peepers', with the rather poor ending. An ending that, while we are on the subject, disappointed me a great deal. Again, I don't want to spoil the story, but could they have made the ending any more sequel friendly. People like closure to their films and this movie left me feeling a little cheated.
The film does have some good stand out scenes that include the 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' style antics of the Creeper as he gracefully avoids becoming road kill in the hands of the petrified Patricia Jenner, and the ear splitting Creeper scream that accompanies the full exposure of the monster facial effects.

Key Area Rating (out of 5)  Comment

Action ahoy!! Plenty of vehicle mayhem involving the creepers van. A fantastic action packed 15 minutes in the police station that reminded me of a similar scene from the first Terminator movie. Great stuff.


A lot of 'sudden fright' moments brought about by the gradual build-up of tension. These work effectively and keep the audience relatively thrilled. A very atmospheric scene involves the discovery of the creepers lair and how he likes to decorate the place. Fenshui it is not.

A steady flow of crimson ensures that the blood thirsty amongst us are mildly amused. Decapitation, heart ripping's and eye popping are the order of the day. The Creeper does a great job at french kissing a police officer, but I'm not sure he enjoyed it as much.
Bare Flesh
Moldy, dead bodies on the walls do not count.

Started strong but ran low on steam after about 45 minutes. The blatant 'sequel' ending was a cheap shot that let's it's fans down.

A good film, bad film moment coming on. As a Saturday night flick, you can't go far wrong with this film, it has good action, high tension in places and interesting enough SFX. But don't watch it too closely as you might start asking yourself whether the plot should have been a little stronger. The set piece scene 'knitting' that loosely binds the story leaves a slight whiff of plop in the air.
Go and see Jeepers Creepers for no other reason that it's good fun, but don't expect it to change your life, cause it won't.
Oh, by the way, if you are wondering if my pals are now converted horror freaks, .the answer is........NO. Freaks....YES, horror fans.....NO. They thought it was pants. Maybe next time Mr Salva.
Original and enjoyable story. Let down by minor gripes.

Facts, figures and boobs

1.  One of the final credits in the actors section reads "OFFICE with hole in chest" --- somebody left off an R.
2.  After the end scene when the Creeper gets what he wants, there is an extended ending cut out of the movie where it turns out that everything was just a story told by a person named Gary (also played by Justin Long) to his girlfriend, Lisa (also played by Gina Philips). She doesn't believe him and they leave the place that they were camping at so they don't miss the bus. But instead of getting on the bus, they hitchhike and get picked up by a green truck. Unfortunately, it turns out to be the Creeper's truck and as the scene fades out, Lisa turns on the radio where "Jeepers Creepers" is playing.
3.  Jeepers Creepers was shot on a budget of $10 million.

Movie Pictures
What other people thought of this film: -
I've never seen the first one but I have seen the second one. It was awesome. VERY scary. I get scared easily too. I hope you make a third one. Even though it seemed to be dead at the end, I think it will come back to life and that's why a third one is going to be made, hopefully. Please make a third one.
Jess The second one is well better this one majorly sucks but scary if u r a jumpy person.
I agree...Justin Long is very very hot!! And all of the people in this film were exelent actors and I personally have seen the movie about 20 times and I just think its s great movie!!
Erin Auston
I think that this movie was the scarriest movie i ever saw! It's a very good movie its now one of my favorite movies.
Best film i've ever seen anyone who says otherwise has no tatse! well done victor you've made a great monster movie1 jeepers creepers two is good.
Josh Palmer Waugh
Jonathan Breck is an awesome actor. After I saw this movie I was shoked to see the second one but The second one was soo funny im gunna buy it.yourawesome Jonathan breck.
Andrea and Lisa Very funny!!! *hahaha*
This film was ace and really scary plus justin long wasnt that hot sowwie they should have got justin timberlake to play de part.
This film scared me shitless. It was after the film not in it that i really freaked me out!!! It was a great film, and the second one wasn't a let down. I wish you saw more of Justinn Long though, he's sooo hot!
One of the best movies I've ever seen in ages and I mean it! The creeper totally rocked and the bit when he punched through the roof of the car rocked too! Go to the creeper! U ROCK!!!!
Dominique I thought the movie was good and scary i hope thier will be a 3rd part to it but i think the 2nd one was better than the first one
I think they shouldnt of shown the creepers face right away they should of waited until the end or something.
I thought this film was fantastic but was still scary. It gives me the creeps that it was set in florida because im suppose to be going there soon.
I thought the film was great and quite scary but where the hell does the creeper get his wings from..... its soooo unreal but in general a great film
Julia Craig
This movie was so cool it was one of the best movies ever!! i cant wait to see jeepers creepers 2 it came out in aug right any wayz i love this movie and i hope that you guyz come out with 3,4,5 ect...because that is just how much me and my friends loved this movie if you would like to get back to me then my e-mail address is
Deja Very cool love a girl deja murray.
Lali, i wish you luck on your romantic relationship with the creeper....that is very precious..
I love jeepers creepers its a buit predictable but that makes it funny n u can shout at the scrren then wich is always good at 4 in the morning
Matt Pearman
We enter a far from cinematic yet suspense building horror movie. We are introduced to Patricia and Darius, as they continue to talk there characters develop and we discover they are brother and sister. Driving along the road a huge green truck which viscously chases them down the road, he finally passes them at top speed. They later spot the green truck again, a covered man is dumping something into a sewage pipe next to a abandoned church. The stranger can see the two and he knows a witness has to be silenced. By this time the tension has really built and got the audience biting there nails. He follows them down the road where we witness a brutal and exciting car chase. They movie continues to be this good (despite being slow) until we see the covered man as nothing more then a pathetic green monster. So in the end the movie becomes a crossover between at 1950s horror movie and a modern day comic book movie.
Joe Mccluskey I thought it was ok but number 2 should be better
This was the best horror movie i have ever seen...i am the queen of horror and nothing scares me not even the exorcist but this shit scared the living shit out of me!!! the music, the mystery, that feeling that makes u say wtf!!! and the sec one was even better i love this whole concept! the movie rocked and that is all there is to it man! the movie makes you put yourself in there position what would u do if u saw this weird demon that just flew away with people man i mean the camera angles were great too i could just go on and on about this movie i just love it! i am so scared of him man uuuuuuu it rocked rocked rocked!!!!
this film was by far the best film of the year but the second one wasnt that good but the ending was sweet!
The Griever
I thought this movie was prety damn good. But i also thought that the plot was little whack. they should have run out the front door of the police station when the pigs were taking care of The creeper who by the way had a kick ass costume. I would love to have a cotume that was that kick ass.
Kayla Anderson
To me, this film rocked. I was a little dissapointed by the ending, the police station scenes (only a few), and the plot holes, but they needed to leave somethings out for a sequeal (and I hear they're planning for a prequeal that will take place in the Wild West, or sometime in the past, I seriously think they should make one on the Creeper's past, because he's a very interesting person or I mean... Thing) But the acting, is rather fun. Trish and Darry act like my sister and I. Jonathan Breck did a perfect job playing the Creeper, and I am very glad that he's coming back to play it in the second one.Jeepers Creepers 2: Like a Bat Out of Hell come out on August 29!And that kicks ass, because it's on my birthday. Hehehe.Don't miss the sequeal! I hear it's supposed to be better than the first!
Maree Baker I thing the movi is thrilling and wonderfull please do another 3.
When ever I think about this movie I get the chills. This movie , even though I saw it awhile ago, still scares the crap out of me!
Luis Cuervas
I thought I was getting kill when I saw this movie.
I thought that it was a really scary movie cause of the stupidness of derry going down in the tunnel and looking at the dead bodies it was just really great i recommend it.!!!!!!
Nick and friend
This is the best and scariest movie we had ever seen in our lives. The more stupid things they did the more scarierer it became.
Is very scary
The first part was realy scary but da rest was total and utter pants! i cudnt belive how bad it was!!! a demon?!?!?! from hell?!?!?!?! VERY disapointin, esp the endin!
I think this is the best horror movie I've ever seen. I am obssesevly in love with The Creeper.After the 23rd day I am looking foreward to us being lovers.
Crimsona X Very scary 4 me but the endin' was a tad lame and the story had a few loop holes...
Liesbeth I thought the movie was very scary but Justin Long is one of the hotest persons I ever saw!! Oh my god he's so hot !!!!!!it was terribel when he died!
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