Ava Niche ... Ramsay Amun / Hor-Shep-Sut
Sasha Peralta ... Anna Harwa / Princess Hat-Em-Akhet
George Thomas ... Professor Carter Moore
Aysia Lee ... Tina Kim
Richard Lynch ... Dr Wallis Harwa
Arthur Roberts ... Osiris
Katie Lohmann ... Isis
David Jean-Thomas ... Chuck Jefferson
Regina Russell ... Helena
Diana Espen ... Yvonne
Rosalyn Macie ... Shiva
Elina Madison ... Carrie
Rhoda Jordan ... Jeannette
Stan Bennet ... Dick Walters

3,000 years ago, an evil Egyptian sorceress, Hor-Shep-Sut, was buried alive for indulging forbidden pleasures of the flesh…with the Pharaoh’s beautiful daughter! Now Hor-Shep-Sut’s recently excavated mummy has arrived in modern-day Los Angeles, and the removal of a gold Osiris death mask brings her back to life in all her sensual splendor. With the help of a zombified servant, Hor-Shep-Sut must find and reclaim the reincarnation of her ancient lost love whose spirit resides in a luscious archaeology student named Ana. Along the way, Hor-Shep-Sut seduces several female students who willingly offer their taut young bodies completely to the scheming, pleasure-seeking sorceress. Ana, too, begins to ache for the lustful and erotic touch of Hor-Shep-Sut, not knowing who she really is and that they once had been eager lovers in another life. As Ana moves closer towards her fateful yet luxurious encounter with Hor-Shep-Sut, will Ana’s fiancé or her uncle, Prof. Wallis Harwa, be able to save her?

Coming from the same production company that brought us the excellently titled 'Dinosaur Valley Girls', comes a brand new tale all about an ancient Egyptian curse. When a group of students at a Los Angeles high school unmask the mummified body of a long dead sorceress, the curse that once bound her to an eternal sleep is lifted resulting in all manner of frisky frolicking.

Now, to ensure we all understand the style of movie this is, I will present you with a little fact. Just about every actress in this film shows a little or a lot of flesh during it's 88 minutes running time. Don't get me wrong this is defiantly not a negative point, but it does need saying for all those people who think it unnecessary to market a feature by having butt naked chicks as it's main attraction. I however am not one of those people, and think that reverse censoring is a great idea ensuring that no movie ever gets passed unless it contains at least one hot garment-free babe.

Anyway, lets focus more specifically on 'Mummy's Kiss', is it worth shelling out hard cash? Well if you were to compare this movie to other titles of the same style, this would rank up amongst the best. The acting is of a reasonable level and the addition of Richard Lynch who's genre outing's stem back to the 1970's really adds a touch of excellence to the overall quality. The special effects that mainly surround the scenes in which the mummified corpse of the sorceress appear are well done and are not over cooked as you might expect from a team who are obviously proud of their FX work.

I guess the main incentive for buying this film will be the quality of the actresses from a pure sex appeal perspective. If this is the case then Mummy's Kiss should sell by the truck load. Every single female in this film is quality. Frontline Entertainment have done a sterling job when picking their leading ladies and have gathered a good bunch of mostly natural talent.

As is standard for just about any Seduction Cinema DVD, you can expect great value for money when flicking through the extras that make the disc bulge to the point were you might have trouble getting it in your player. Bloopers, behind-the-scenes feature, dancing girl segments and trailers are all in there and despite the fact that they might not be everyone's cup of tea, it sure makes for an impressive array.

Key Area Rating (out of 5)  Comment
A little action by the mummy in the early start of the film, but it is a little lacking in any really excitement.
Light on the tension front with the final 'ceremony' scenes giving this a single score.
The mummy gets a little frisky but nothing that could be described as real violence.
Bare Flesh
This is Seduction Cinema so don't expect anything other than ladies doing what they do best, getting their boobs out. Look through the cast list to see which ladies un-robe. The beautiful Aysia Lee only does a brief flash that was a big disappointment for me but I guess I'll live.
The plot isn't great but it is just about strong enough to push the film along without the viewer getting too bored.

The overall ambience of this film is that the team of actors and crew who, although making an essentially cheesy flick, are at least prepared to undertake their task to the best of their ability. The entertainment value of the film is high enough for it to be taken seriously but never escapes from it's real intention and that is to titillate it's audience.
A little gem that will unwrap the loins of many men.

Movie Pictures
What other people thought of this film: -
The Chalupas You can never have too many boobie shots so it was good...
Movie sucked. but the girls were gorgeous well, only aysia lee, and sasha peralta. and the waitress at the cafe, Kaila Yu. she's one of the best import models.
Ava I love the movie.
I personally liked this film. For the sheer fact, that this flim was able to experiment with footage, and other crazy things that any other film would not. The plot in my opinion was exellent. But what do I know. The Film basically rocked for both sexs!
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