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Submit a Review
Think you have something interesting to say ?
Attracted to the glamorous lifestyle of a top film critic ?
Well don't let that hidden talent go to waste! why not submit a review to The Film Asylum for publishing on our web site.
We have listed a few guidelines bellow that will help your chances of getting your review online.
Review Guidelines
If you have previously downloaded our review template (the one with the category scores) please do not use it. We have changed our review layout and this old template is no longer valid. Please use the updated form below.
Please ensure that the word count of completed reviews is around 500-800 words. If it's too short or too long it will not qualify for publishing.
Do not copy any other review that has already been published on the internet or in the press. Copyright infringement is a serious offence.
Please ensure that your review scores are balanced against our other reviews. If you loved a film, don't just give it 10/10. Remember that perfection is hard to come by and we will not publish it if we feel it is too biased.
Try to give your review some personality. We want the review to have your name written all over it so be yourself and be honest. If you are a naturally funny person then show us your humor but if you are the serious sort then write us something profound.
Do not pepper your review with slang or profanities and ensure the finished piece has been spell checked and reads fluidly.
WANTED: Staff Writers
If you are interested in joining the ranks of TFA on a more formal basis, then why not ask about one of our 'staff writer' positions. These are open to anybody who is able to submit a regular stream of reviews and articles (around two per month) and, whilst the position is unpaid, you do get the credibility of belonging to this up and coming movie site. We are also able to offer a steady stream of DVD titles for you to review and keep. Tempted? Then drop us a line.
Review Templates
MS Word
When you have finished creating your review, mail it to the following address :-